Since 2012, I have been managing the C Lazy U Outfitters website, maintaining the content and keeping the theme similar to the parent company’s website: C Lazy U Ranch.
In 2022 the hunting operations manager decided to break the mold and let me design a website that would “WOW” visitors, keep them engaged and give them a taste of what a hunt at C Lazy U would be like.
With my creativity unleashed and unhampered by the need to build this in a CMS like WordPress, I built the resulting site packed with animations, gorgeous photos and all the information hunters need to plan the hunting trip of their dreams.
Using modern JavaScript methods, next-gen image formats and a custom Webpack build, I optimized the site for various devices and viewport widths. Not only is the site fun, but it is FAST.
Schedule a time to meet virtually or talk on the phone using my easy Calendly Calendar.